Category: News

2017 Scout Sniper Instructor and Scout Sniper (FMF) of the Year

The USMC Scout Sniper Association is pleased to announce they will be recognizing the 2017 Scout Sniper Instructor and Scout Sniper (FMF) of the Year at the 2018 SHOT Show in Las Vegas, NV on 23 January 2018. Below you’ll find the Nomination Announcements with the requirements and details for submission of prospective awardees. The selection committee will consist of Marine Snipers past and present and review the nominations upon closing of the submission period.

Significant dates are as follows:

  • 01 Dec 2017 – Deadline for receipt of nomination package
  • 15 Dec 2017 – Announcement of 2017 Scout Sniper Instructor of the Year & 2017 Scout Sniper (FMF) of the Year
  • 23 Jan 2018 – Award presentation at 2018 SHOT Show in Las Vegas

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.


Christian Hays
Vice President for Awards & Scholarships
United States Marine Corps Scout Sniper Association
Quantico Corporate Center
800 Corporate Drive, Suite 301
Stafford, Virginia 22554


Download Scout Sniper of Year Nomination Announcement

Download Scout Sniper Instructor of Year Nomination Announcement

2018 Rifle Raffle Official Public Annoucement

Attention United States Marine Corps Scout Sniper Association Members, Donors, Partners, and Supporters!!!

It is that time of year again we start preparing for our annual rifle raffle.

This year’s rifle was donated by Drake Associates™.


With over 30 years of experience in the Firearms industry, Drake Associates™ has been pushing the envelope on Precision Grade Bolt Action Rifles, “Designed by Snipers for Snipers”. Drake has been an industry player in the defense community for a significant amount of time. From supplying components to Lake City to working various defense contracts. The US Military has been using for years, many components supplied by Drake on the M80 Ball 7.62, M855 and M855 5.56 as well as specialty M118LR. Over the decades, Drake Stalker Rifles have been used as competition guns and deployment rifles for sniper teams.

By utilizing concepts from the US SOCOM PSR Solicitation, as well as having real-time real-world feedback from various LE/Mil units and precision rifle competition shooters, Drake Associates™ developed a repeatable 0.4 MOA Trued and Blueprinted Savage based rifle called the Drake Hunter Stalker. This concept rifle was so capable and consistent, that it was used by a US Army National Guard Warrior Training Center sniper team at the 2015 United States Army International Sniper Competition. That team achieved the following outstanding and significant results utilizing the Drake Associates™ rifle: Top National Guard Team, Ranked 2nd Place for NON-Special Operations/SOF team- Conventional Units, 8th Place Overall Ranking for competition. Additionally, in the following year, of 2016 again at the United States Army International Sniper Competition, the US Army National Guard Warrior Training Center again placed in the top with a Drake Associates™ rifle system, 4th Place Overall, along with other accolades. In the 2017 International Sniper Competition, Drake Associate’s achieved its most significant accolade with the latest version of the Hunter Stalker SOCOM, now called the Drake/Savage Stealth EVOLUTION 2.0 and the Savage MSR. Placing 1st in the open class, and 2nd Place Overall!

Drake Associates™ is seriously committed to supporting our bravest warfighters. In 2017 Drake has supplied the US Marine Corps Sniper Association with our latest rifle system – the Drake Savage SOCOM Rifle system in .308 caliber in a flat dark earth (FDE) color for its 2017 raffle.

The 2018 Rifle Raffle is NOT exclusive to Scout Sniper Association Members. The proceeds from this annual raffle go to supporting the wounded, ill, and Scout Snipers in need of aid, their families and loved ones. We look forward to a successful raffle, get your tickets while supplies last.

To purchase raffle tickets, and for more information, please visit


2016 Scout Sniper Instructor and Scout Sniper (FMF) of the Year

Update! The SSA Awardees have been announced.

The USMC Scout Sniper Association is pleased to announce they will again be recognizing the 2016 Scout Sniper Instructor and Scout Sniper (FMF) of the Year at the 2017 SHOT Show in Las Vegas, NV on 18 January 2017. Below you’ll find the Nomination Announcements with the requirements and details for submission of prospective awardees. The selection committee will consist of Marine Snipers past and present and review the nominations upon closing of the submission period, 10 November 2016. Please distribute as appropriate to all FMF SS Platoons. The association does not have contact with all of the FMF Scout Sniper Platoon Sgt’s. Please pass the word through social media. We will also be making formal announcements on the association’s various Social Media sites to ensure widespread notification throughout the community. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.


Christian Hays
Vice President for Awards & Scholarships
United States Marine Corps Scout Sniper Association
Quantico Corporate Center
800 Corporate Drive, Suite 301
Stafford, Virginia 22554


Download Scout Sniper of Year Nomination Announcement

Download Scout Sniper Instructor of Year Nomination Announcement

Notice of USMCSSA 2016 Board of Directors Election

The USMC Scout Sniper Association is holding an election for the 2016 Board of Directors. Per the Bylaws, some Directors will be elected by the Board itself, and some will be elected by the Members of the Association.

If you are interested in being considered for service on the Board, the embedded Candidate Application below explains:

  • Instructions for filling out and saving the application;
  • Required commitments for Board service;
  • Portfolios for Board Directors; and
  • The overall process for this Board election.
  • The Candidate Application comes in both PDF and Word formats.

Pick whichever format is easiest for you and click on the link at the bottom of this message;

  1. Download the file to your computer and save it;
  2. Open the file and read it carefully;
  3. Fill in the requested information on pages 5 and 6;
  4. Save the file again using (Your Name) in the place of (Scout Sniper) in the file name; and
  5. Email the file back to [email protected] NLT 2359 Eastern Time on Wednesday 16 March 2016.

Your application will be acknowledged after we receive it. Election process updates will keep you informed on the process. If you have any questions, send an email to [email protected].

Semper Fi,

Ken Sutherby

Secretary of the Association


For PDF version of Candidate Application, CTRL+Click to follow link:


For Word version of Candidate Application, CTRL+Click to follow link:

Remembering Master Sgt. Eden Pearl

Remembering Master Sgt. Eden Pearl, USMC, the “Viking Warrior”

MSgt. Eden Pearl, USMC, passed away on 20 December 2015 due to wounds sustained six years ago during an IED attack in Afghanistan. An article published in The Washington Post on 23 December 2015 describes his career, the impact he had on others, and the efforts of his many friends to remember this courageous warrior and exemplary Marine. The article noted that during his 20-year career, MSgt. Pearl served as a Scout Sniper, a Reconnaissance Marine, a Combat Diver, and a Critical Skills Operator for MARSOC.

Our Brothers at the Marine Reconnaissance Foundation also published an open letter on Facebook from MSgt. Pearl’s family, with an email address for those who would like to send their condolences, prayers, thoughts, and support.
Semper Fi!


Happy 240th Birthday to all Marines everywhere, Marine Scout Snipers everywhere, and the Members of this Association.
We have enclosed the “2015 Marine Corps Birthday Message | The Legacy Within” for your viewing enjoyment.

Semper Fidelis,
The USMC Scout Sniper Association
10 November 2015

The Robinson Stage… Honoring Sgt. Joshua J. Robinson at the Sniper’s Hide Cup 2015

The Robinson Stage

Competition shooters from around the world pride themselves in making difficult shots and beating the competition. They carefully range their targets and read wind direction and speed. At the end of the day, success is measured by analyzing overall standings and who receives the trophies and walks away from the prize table with the high end prizes. This year, the competitors at the Sniper’s Hide Cup did a little more. Over 230 competitors shot the Robinson Stage. The stage wasn’t about the prize or standings. The Robinson Stage was about remembering the sacrifice paid by Sergeant Robinson. It was not put together one night by Range Officers trying to create a challenging shoot… it was put together based off of the real life actions of a man who paid the ultimate sacrifice for the freedoms we enjoy regularly. Every time Sergeant Robinson shot his sniper rifle, real targets fell and Marines were saved. This one was for him…