OUR MISSION at the USMC Scout Sniper Association is to support the Scout Sniper community through programs that inspire brotherhood, encourage professionalism, and foster resiliency.
OUR COMMUNITY is comprised of those who have carried the long gun, those who have enabled our successes on the battlefield, and our families.
To accomplish our mission, we’ve developed programs that provide direct benefits to our fellow Scout Snipers and their Families, whether they are still serving or have hung up their uniform for the last time.
We are our brother’s keeper. Since our founding in 1998, the primary goal of our Association has been to provide mutual support to our brothers and their families in times of need. This support can range from a direct financial grant to a transitioning family, to handling logistics and unforeseen expenses for a spouse after tragically losing a loved one.
THERE IS NO "ONE-SIZE-FITS-ALL" SOLUTION. Every situation is unique, and throwing a pre-determined amount of cash at it is not only often ineffective, it's insulting to the family.
OUR JOB IS TO REMOVE BARRIERS when a Marine or family has an urgent need. We simply identify what the needs are, and we work hard to make the family whole again, no matter what it takes.
USMC Scout Sniper Association is the only non-profit membership organization for Marine Scout Snipers in the world. We are comprised solely of U.S. Marines who have been trained and/or served as snipers; those who have enabled our successes on the battlefield; and our families.
AS A BENEFIT OF MEMBERSHIP, we have developed relationships with industry partners to offer Member-only Discounts on a variety of desirable products and services. We also offer Member-only access to certain events every year, as well as multiple opportunities to continue in service to our brothers through volunteerism. We're very proud to recognize Scout Sniper-owned businesses on our website and to highlight our brothers' post-service successes.
The only way we can remain in contact with you is through your current email address. If you haven't heard from us in a while, we likely don't have your current contact info. Please reach out to us at [email protected] if you need to update your contact information.
Our Events give voice to the many topics of interest to our Members. They allow us to regain and remain in contact with our brothers who served alongside us. USMC Scout Sniper Association facilitates this by hosting a variety of special events each year, each tailored for a specific purpose, but all offering the same opportunity for fellowship and camaraderie.
Examples include informal HOG’s Calls or Mini-Reunions that can be hosted anywhere in the country by any SSA Member with direct reimbursement for expenses by your Association; the more formal, official Annual Reunion; and The Gathering of Snipers, which offers tangible opportunities for our Active Duty and veteran Scout Snipers to learn, teach, compete and experience the full gamut of military sniper training and education. The Gathering of Snipers provides a platform for our Members to participate in a sniper-specific training and education environment.
USMC SSA also holds special events to honor our fallen, our wounded and our Gold Star families. We hold special events for other purposes as the need may arise. Have an idea for an event? Let us know!
“A soldier will fight long and hard for a bit of colored ribbon.” So said the famous Emperor Napoleon. Awards have always been an important tool for recognizing the achievements and hard work put in by our Members, Supporters, and especially those who are currently serving.
USMC Scout Sniper Association has a longstanding tradition of honoring the achievements of Honor Graduates of Scout Sniper Basic Courses, the phenomenal performance of top nominees for the Scout Sniper of the Year and Scout Sniper Instructor of the Year, and other categories of awards. We also do our best to honor the contributions of those industry partners and other supporters who help make it possible to perform the good works we’ve become known for.
As we near the End of an Era of active service by Marine Scout Snipers, USMC Scout Sniper Association will continue to honor the legacy of those who came before by supporting the design and construction of Marine Scout Sniper War Memorial. While this is certainly not an "award", it is very much a way to honor and recognize those who paid the ultimate price.
© 2024 USMC Scout Sniper Association. All Rights Reserved. USMC Scout Sniper Association, Inc. is a non-partisan, nonprofit, tax-exempt charity under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. Founded in 1998, we have enjoyed IRS tax exemption continuously since 2004.