The USMC Scout Sniper Association is holding an election for the 2016 Board of Directors. Per the Bylaws, some Directors will be elected by the Board itself, and some will be elected by the Members of the Association.
If you are interested in being considered for service on the Board, the embedded Candidate Application below explains:
- Instructions for filling out and saving the application;
- Required commitments for Board service;
- Portfolios for Board Directors; and
- The overall process for this Board election.
- The Candidate Application comes in both PDF and Word formats.
Pick whichever format is easiest for you and click on the link at the bottom of this message;
- Download the file to your computer and save it;
- Open the file and read it carefully;
- Fill in the requested information on pages 5 and 6;
- Save the file again using (Your Name) in the place of (Scout Sniper) in the file name; and
- Email the file back to [email protected] NLT 2359 Eastern Time on Wednesday 16 March 2016.
Your application will be acknowledged after we receive it. Election process updates will keep you informed on the process. If you have any questions, send an email to [email protected].
Semper Fi,
Ken Sutherby
Secretary of the Association
For PDF version of Candidate Application, CTRL+Click to follow link:
For Word version of Candidate Application, CTRL+Click to follow link: